
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Black Alumni Network By-Laws



Section 1

Organization Name: The name of this organization shall be the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Black Alumni Network (BAN).


 Section 2

Members: The BAN consists of individuals committed to promoting the welfare and interests of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the mission of the BAN. The BAN is an affiliate organization of the University of Illinois Alumni Association (UIAA). 


Section 3

Definition: “University” refers to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Section 4

Definition: “Board” refers to the BAN Board of Directors.




 Section 1

Purpose: The BAN provides comprehensive program opportunities (i.e. social, educational, professional, and service) for alumni, students, and faculty of the University, which fosters a stronger relationship between these groups, the alumni community, and the University.


Section 2

Mission Statement: To facilitate networking opportunities between Black alumni, Black students, faculty, and staff by hosting academic, professional, and social activities while serving as a resource bank for exchanging career and other pertinent information to all constituencies and stakeholders.


 Section 3

Location: The principal office of the BAN is located in Chicago, IL.


 Section 4

Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the BAN shall begin July 1 and end on June 30 of each calendar year.






 Section 1


Eligibility: Two types of membership shall exist in the organization: 1) Regular, 2) Ex-Officio/ Orange & Blue members.

      Regular Membership: Any student that has attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign shall be eligible for regular membership in the BAN upon payment of UIAA membership dues and/or an in-kind contribution to the BAN scholarship fund.

      Ex-Officio/Orange & Blue Members: Ex-Officio Members are current employees of the University that elect to serve on the Board. They can participate in meetings and functions with the same rights as Regular Members, excluding voting rights.


Organizations that elect to have a representative serve on the BAN’s Board to express the interest of their organization’s constituents may do so. Orange & Blue members shall have every right of Regular Members. Dues payments are not required and these members are excluded from holding office. Shall be part of the administration, faculty, staff, or a graduate student with a role within the University.


Section 2

Dual Memberships: The BAN is an affiliate organization of the UIAA. Paid membership in the UIAA includes membership in the BAN. There is a separate membership donation requested for membership in the BAN; a contact data sheet shall be collected from all alumni contacts affiliated with the BAN at all events.


Section 3 

Dues: BAN scholarship donation or UIAA membership dues structure shall be established by the BAN’s Finance Committee and approved by the Board. Dues paid by the BAN members shall be reserved for scholarships, programs, activities, and general operating expenses that support the mission of the BAN.


Section 4

Voting: Ex-Officio/Orange & Blue members shall not have the right to vote. The right to vote shall not be assignable or transferable in any manner.


Section 5

Definition of good standing: 1) attend at minimum 3 of the quarterly Board meetings each year; 2)  actively serves on at least one committee; 3) membership dues paid in full within 90 days of start of fiscal year; 4) volunteers to assist with at least one event throughout fiscal year.




 Section 1

Designation: The Officers of the BAN shall consist of:

   President                                                                   Treasurer

   Vice-President                                                           Parliamentarian




Section 2

Duties of Officers:

      President: Calls and presides over Board and Executive Committee meetings and performs other duties pertaining to that office. In consultation with and with board approval, appoints the chairpersons of all committees and fills any vacancies on the Board. Forms new committees as needed with approval of the Board. Conducts business on behalf of the BAN and serves as the official representative of the BAN to the University and the community. Serves Ex-Officio on all committees except for the Nominations Committee. 

      Vice-President: In the event of the absence, disability, or resignation of the President, performs duties of President. May serve as chairperson of any committee, serves as an Ex-Officio member of every committee, and perform other duties as assigned by the President. Immediate successor to the President in the event the President is no longer able to serve.

      Secretary: Records minutes of Board, Executive Committee, and general business meetings of the BAN, preserves copies of publications and documents of special importance to the BAN. Sends out meeting minutes to all members of the Board. Works with committee chairs to solicit and review proposals and contracts from vendors for BAN-related programs and activities.

      Treasurer: Receives and disburses funds of the BAN and issues receipts. Submits at minimum quarterly financial reports to the Board and an annual statement to the UIAA upon request. Develop budget for upcoming fiscal year and budgets for the BAN programs and activities as needed.

      Parliamentarian: Maintains Robert’s Rules of Order during all BAN meetings and may dismissing any member displaying inapt and disruptive behavior. Advise officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure and ensures meetings run smoothly in accordance with the bylaws.


Section 3

Officer Nomination Procedures: The Membership and Nominations Committee shall be responsible for preparing a slate for voting and to present one or more names for each office to be filled annually or bi-annually. A list of candidates shall be read at the following Board meeting after the nomination was made. Nominations may be made by the Membership & Nominations Committee or by any currently active Board member.


A member of the Executive Committee, along with other members appointed by the President and approved by the Board shall comprise the Membership and Nominations Committee.


Section 4

Officer Election Procedures: Election of officers is determined by ballot. Officers of the BAN’s Executive Committee shall be elected annually or bi-annually by a majority of votes cast at a regular meeting.


Section 5

Vacancy: In the event of an Officer vacancy, the Board may elect a successor for the remainder of the unexpired term of the office vacated. The same nomination and election procedures apply as they do for regular elections. The time that an Officer serves in filling an unexpired term will not be counted towards their term limits in the event of a re-election.


Section 6 

Officer Terms: The Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian shall be elected to serve for a period of one year or until their successors are duly elected and installed. At that time, the former Vice President shall assume the office of President for a period of one year or until a successor is duly installed, unless the Vice President began serving their term as a result of filling a vacated office, in such a circumstance the Vice President must either fulfill the one year term, or the President and the Vice President positions can be slated to be elected. The Secretary,




Section 1

Designation: The BAN Board shall consist of:

      Officers of the BAN

      Immediate Past President


      Not more than 29 members approved at large, which reflects a generational diversity of alumni from across the past 50 years. 

      Director of the BNAACC

      One faculty member of the University Black Faculty and Staff Caucus


      One currently enrolled student of the University

      One representative of the UIAA Alumni Relations Office 

      Orange & Blue Board Members


Section 2

 Qualifications: Individuals will be eligible for membership on the BAN’s Board of Directors if they have ever enrolled and attended the University and have paid UIAA/BAN dues for the upcoming year. If members fail to pay dues within 30 days of the required date, membership will be suspended.


Section 3 

Terms of Office: All Board members, excluding the officers of the BAN, shall be elected or appointed to two-year terms and serve until their successors are installed. No member shall serve more than three consecutive terms. Nominations and elections will be held annually at a regular meeting, unless there is an election needed to fill a vacancy.


Section 4

Nomination and Election Procedures: Candidates for at-large positions on the Board shall be nominated and elected in the same manner as the officers of the BAN. The Director of the BNAACC shall appoint a faculty representative of its group to the Board. The student representative shall be selected by the Student Affairs Committee and approved by the Board. The selection process for students will be completed by the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee. Candidates for positions on the Board shall be nominated and approved.


Every potential board member should have a sponsor who is in good standing and currently active on the Board.

Attendance at minimally one prior event by the candidate should be encouraged and documented. The sponsor

should speak to the merits of the candidate prior to the meeting of the formal vote to approve the Board nominee.


Each potential Board member should be voted up or down based on a simple majority using standard Robert’s Rules of Order (i.e. a motion, a second, discussion, and a vote). Newly elected Board members should be invited to the next scheduled Board meeting and welcomed into the ranks.


Section 5

Responsibilities of the Board: 

      Promote the interests of the BAN

      Establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the BAN, Black alumni, and the University by creating and sponsoring alumni programs and communication that fulfill this mission.


Section 6

Vacancy: In the event of a vacancy, the Board may elect a successor for the remainder of the unexpired term of the office vacated. A special election will be held using the same nomination and election procedures for regular elections. The time that a member serves in filling an unexpired term will not be counted towards their term limits in the event of a re-election.


Section 7

Resignation, termination, and absences: Resignation from the Board must be in writing and received by the Secretary. A Board member shall be terminated from the Board due to excess absences or more than two unexcused absences from Board meetings in a year. A Board member may be removed for conduct unbecoming of a Board member by a three-fourths vote of the remaining Board members. A copy should be emailed to the BAN Executive Committee and printed on file in BAN's archive documents. Resignation/Termination will be announced and reviewed at the next board meeting






Section 1

Designation: The Executive Committee of the BAN shall consist of: 

      Founders of BAN

      Officers of the BAN

      Immediate Past President

      Director of the Bruce D. Nesbitt African-American Cultural Center (BNAACC)


      One faculty member of the University Black Faculty & Staff Caucus

      One student of the University campus 

      One representative from UIAA Alumni Relations

      One Orange & Blue Board Member


Section 2

 Purpose: If necessary, the Executive Committee shall transact business meetings and report to the Board. None of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Board.


Section 3

 Quorum: A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Committee is comprised of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past President, BAN Founders, and Ex-Officio members. One-third of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1

Standing Committees: Standing committees shall be: Program, Awards & Scholarships, Student Affairs, Marketing & Communications, Membership & Nominations, Finance, and Executive.


Section 2 

Committee Responsibilities:

      Program Committee: Assist in the development and coordination of new activities and events sponsored by the BAN.

      Awards and Scholarships Committee: Nominate students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the University for various BAN sponsored awards, scholarships, and recognition.

      Membership and Nominations: Develop and coordinate efforts related to promoting and maintaining the BAN membership as it relates to Black graduates of the University

      Student Affairs:Serve as the liaison between the BAN and the students at the University in order to build a stronger connection with the campus, serve as a resource to the students, and advise the Board regarding student issues.

      Marketing & Communications:Develop consistent communication with the BAN members, other alumni groups, campus units, and students.

      Finance Committee: Develops budgets along with committee chairs for the upcoming fiscal year and budgets for BAN programs and activities as needed.

      Executive Committee: Transact meetings that will evaluate and develop future strategies involving programming, membership, and budget issues of the BAN.




 Section 1

Regular Meetings and Notices: The Board shall hold no less than four meetings each year. Such regular meetings shall be scheduled by the President, with at least 21 days written notice given before each meeting.


Section 2

Special Meetings and Notice: Special meetings of the Board may be called at the discretion of the President, or upon written request of five members of the Board. In the event of such request, a special meeting shall be held no later than 30 days after receipt of such request. The President shall designate the place and time, and at least seven days written notice shall be given to Board members prior to such meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Board, or by the BAN President upon written request of 75% of the BAN membership. In the event of such request, a special meeting shall be held no later than three months after receipt of such request. Proper meeting notice will be given by, but not limited to: email, phone call, formal mailing, etc.


Section 3

Quorum and Majority Vote: All actions of the Board, unless otherwise stated in these bylaws, shall be decided by majority vote of members present. A quorum will be a majority of the voting members of the Board. No official action can be taken in the absence of a quorum.


Section 4

Waiver of Notice: By attending any meeting of the BAN, a member shall be deemed to have had actual notice of the meeting and may not object to the conducting of any business at the meeting based on lack of notice.




Section 1

Rules of Order: All meetings of the BAN and of the Board shall be governed by rules contained in the Robert’s Rules of Order where such rules are applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws. 

Section 2

Amendments: This constitution may be amended by the Board, provided that each Board member shall be notified in writing 30 days prior to the vote on said amendment (s).

Section 3

Standing Committees:

      Executive Committee: 

Transact meetings that will evaluate and develop future strategies involving programming, membership, and budget issues of the BAN. This committee will not be limited to these actions, and will report back to the Board upon any meetings held by, or actions determined by committee.


      Marketing & Communications Committee:


Develop consistent communication with BAN members, other alumni groups, campus units, and students. Contribute to the development and design of any alumni publication, website, or other media outlet produced by the BAN. Oversee the dissemination of information about BAN initiatives, events, members, and other black alumni, faculty/staff, and students via regular communications: electronic and print newsletters, listservs, emails, and BAN website.


      Membership & Nominations Committee:


Develop and coordinate issues related to promoting and maintaining BAN membership as it relates to black graduates of the University. Maintain the membership database, keeping contact information current and working with UIAA. Aim to create membership recruitment and retention plans for BAN. Focus on identifying alumni to serve as Board members for BAN. Organize and participate in recruiting events with University faculty/staff and alumni. Prepare a